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Q&A With the Devs - Ask a Pirate Day #8

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This simply destroys the game for casuals/solos/small groups.

Not only that everything you worked hard for several months will be gone exactly 45 minutes after drop of the patch.

Furthermore it makes all settling in lawless pointless.

Edited by Dev Crusher
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1 hour ago, Dev Crusher said:

Furthermore it makes all settling in lawless pointless.

Yes? Like its always been...

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On 3/5/2021 at 6:24 AM, Ranger1k said:

Also they left out radius, gold cost, decay time, upkeep, taxes, tames, how conflicting tower placements will be resolved, PvE, PvP, tower HPs, size, a frikken picture of a tower... will it have a peace timer?...just to name a few important details off the top of my head...

Exactly - I think half the reason why everyone is freaking is because we have literally no information about how this is going to work. We need details ASAP.

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     That and the radius size will cause issues no matter how big they make it....(referring to PvE at a minimum)

      1. If the radius size is small then back when I played I would probably have lost 3 out of 4 of my farmhouses. Some of the breeders will lose them all, unless their neighbor gives it back and they form an alliance or something. I squeezed the 4 farmhouses as close as the game would allow me to also.

     2. If the radius size is medium or large I would own everything belonging to between 1 to 4 neighbors if my tower goes up first... Alot of people on PvE CANNOT find an island owner who will voluntarily let them settle. At one point I had 5 people squeeze in tiny little spots next to my base which had sheer cliffs at both ends of the beach. They didnt have farmhouses, warehouses or markets but they got to grind out a ship and play... Some quit, then other people took their spot... Basically ALOT of fucking players live on Lawless. Our grid consistently had over 10 players online 24/7. Often closer to 20..

     One more possible issue. If I were part of a douchey, trolly Company lookin to get a bunch of free shit, control real estate and flat out grief people because its fun, I'd have Monday/Tuesday circled on my Calender. My members would be spread around various grids, in ships with gold, mats, smithys, some horses and Alt accounts. As soon as that patch went live we'd gobble up as much real estate and peoples possessions as this system would allow.. My boots would be soaked from the rivers of tears that flowed... 👍

    The Q & A doesn't state any limiting factors besides gold. Anyone know any trolls?... Good luck y'all...

*** I know I'm being negative, aaaand overly dramatic, I mean that last patch went smooth as butter, right? 🙂 ***

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"In the patch dropping early next week, we’ll be introducing a new claim system to the lawless regions of Atlas. Moving forward, Pathfinders will now be able to claim land in these areas using a claim tower that will claim everything within its radius after it reaches full health. This takes about 45 minutes and may be sped up with gold. These changes will take effect immediately with the release of the new update and will make your structures be vulnerable to being claimed by others. Armored Docks may be claimed in this manner, and that includes the ships docked there! "

This is a truly awful change to make, and I sincerely hope you guys either scrap or fundamentally change this new system, at the very least for PvE servers.

It doesn't even really make sense for PvE servers. Are we going to be able to attack the towers, thereby being forced into PvP, or are we just going to be given 45 minutes to say goodbye to everything we worked for? Do they get our tames, and if not, what happens if some or all of our tames are in a structure that was just claimed by a tower?

And then there's the duration. 45 minutes is ridiculously short, it punishes anybody who plays solo or in a small company who has the audacity to sleep (and refuses to not). Allowing it to then be sped up with gold further benefits large companies and alliances, who can afford to dump significantly more gold into these towers than small companies and the like.

Please don't implement this system on PvE servers, at least not without significant changes. My group of friends and I have really been enjoying this game, but we're already looking at different games to switch to because of this patch. We would all much rather play Atlas, but it's feeling like the devs aren't interested in retaining players like us.

Really hope I'm proven wrong. 

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One final thought for the dev team..

     Why did you present this feature, then have a "Q & A" with questions selected that HAVE ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH THE FUCKING FEATURE THAT YOU JUST ANNOUNNCED?

     Thats like me telling you that your car just got swapped with a Tesla, then following it up with a "Q & A" about why the dinosaurs went extinct.


     Are you all really that fugging scatterbrained? Are you capable of focusing on ONE thing or is there some kind of issue going on? Can you walk AND chew bubblegum? No, seriously can you? Were you playing on Discord or fucking around on your cell phone when you wrote this announcement? What the fuck is wrong with you AND your staff that this "Announcement" cleared the approval process? Do you have a process?... Dimwitted, short sighted, incoherent fucking drivel...


Edited by Ranger1k
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Dev team- “we want to support small tribes and lone wolves” also dev team “let’s introduce a mechanic to make it even easier for large companies to have a monopoly of the map” -_-‘

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On 3/6/2021 at 8:48 AM, Dev Crusher said:

This simply destroys the game for casuals/solos/small groups.

Not only that everything you worked hard for several months will be gone exactly 45 minutes after drop of the patch.

Furthermore it makes all settling in lawless pointless.

It is the most stupid thing they could do, after people claim we are gonna see even more huge walls blocking people from maps etc coz now its "their" place and now they can spam walls as much as they want within the area they now own , just to ruin the game for others,(hurray for even more laggy servers) plus this patch on PVE because we have shared servers NA/EU with their patch timers means that they are going to loose most players from EU, who is going to log on and see all their hard work gone, most pve players are players who got work and family and who dont have the time for offline raiding etc but maybe they just want PVE gamers from NA or maybe they are simply trying to kill PVE off completely so they can focus on pvp only because god know this new dev team are the freaking worst ever that happened to atlas, none of the devs are actively playing atlas and none of them are actually experienced in making a game , they are one huge fuck up of a team imo , who constantly makes excuses about "its early access" 2 years of early access lol ....... they dont know wtf they are doing at all , you cant design or repair a game you dont actively play your self coz you simply dont know whats good or bad 

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Well, I keep checking back to see if there's any reason to start playing again. Guess what devs, you have just completely and utterly justified my purchase of a private ARK server cluster! I was a lawless pve player in the eu but you just screwed us royally. GG's dev team. GG's. 

Peace out guys, this ship has well and truly sunk

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On 3/4/2021 at 4:50 PM, ATLAS said:


:anchor: New lawless Land Claim Changes:anchor:

In the patch dropping early next week, we’ll be introducing a new claim system to the lawless regions of Atlas. Moving forward, Pathfinders will now be able to claim land in these areas using a claim tower that will claim everything within its radius after it reaches full health. This takes about 45 minutes and may be sped up with gold. These changes will take effect immediately with the release of the new update and will make your structures be vulnerable to being claimed by others. Armored Docks may be claimed in this manner, and that includes the ships docked there! 

Previously we mentioned that there may be a wipe with the new claim system if it becomes necessary. However, we are able to implement this without requiring it, so please note that there is NO WIPE at this time.

Note to Private Server Owners: Private servers will be unaffected by this change - functionality to make this change to your server will come in the patch after.




You left in islands that megas can own in multiples. You possibly fucked every solo on lawless. I mean PROPER FUCKED! 

Can these be destroyed while I am at work?

Can people put down multiples of these or just 1 per person or company?

Can my tower be overrode by another adjacent tower?

Can Megas still own several islands and then still go out into lawless and span claim areas for free to exploit market trades?

No wipe? 

Guys, I give you the benefit of a doubt at every opportunity. How about you flesh out some details. As it is, it appears you fucked solos and smalls into oblivion right now. 


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On 3/4/2021 at 6:16 PM, PHaRTnONu said:

#3 Adjusting Company and alliance sizes ONLY HURT NEW PLAYERS. STOP ASKING FOR IT
Here what would happen, we would come in w 5 company's capped we would have us all in the same discrod, we would still operate and work and resource BP's as one company.
So while all 200 of us roll you, you would be stuck w your 35 man company crying..... No option for you to absorb new company's, no way to expand your social interactions.

What the DEV's NEED to do is FIX PERMISSIONS!!!!!!!

Literally NEVER going invite new players able to come in and scuttle all the boats in the harbor. The permission tree is one HORRID area that is never addressed, probably cause most of us larger company's are tiered of Giving the solutions written out and being ignored and seeing DUMB QUESTIONS like this get a breath in the room.
Your problem is you are being rolled by big company's right?
The solution isn't your problem (make big company smaller), your solution is to LOWER the barrier to you being a BIGGER COMPANY. What holds you back? what is the #1 issue holding you back to being a larger company? THATS THE SOLUTION.
1 Boxes being able to place INTO but not remove items
1 REWORKING permission to ship's on individual basis, and Company permissions. Take a look at star base, Duel universe, Star citizen. THOSE permission tables while complex are there because THEY ARE NEEDED and serve a purpose. ATLAS doesnt have them and HAS A INCLUSION PROBLEM. Large company  don't invite and teach new people, Because they have TO MUCH CONTROL AND ABILITY TO REEK HAVOC. If we could limit there ability to place structures offensive weapons (cannons, barrle bombs the works) on owned islands, SCUTTLE SHIPS!? Why is this even a option for the lowest ranks still!!!! been crying for that fix since Season 1. If we could also set permission on certain ships to add company members ability to repair/replace/drive/scuttle on a ship by ship basis, we could invite new people train/teach them.

With out those controls its easier to leave the bobs on the shore and sink them. #1 issue is inclusion and barrier to invite new players. its not the company size is to big, its the ability to invite is to risky. Fix that and you have a WHOLE NEW BREADTH of ability to make the game better. (maybe increase ship counts to 75 or 100. every one in the company wants a boat... YOUR GOAL IS SHIP COMBAT?! why limit a companys ability to have ships then!!!!!!!! no one like that.)


I am a solo and you are clearly in a mega company. Likely abusing several thing as megas are wont to do. Since you seem to be speaking for me, let me help you out on some details.

For starters you are wrong. I can prove it very easily. Most megas are currently full roster. Meaning there is no issue inviting people currently. Certainly not to the point where you have trouble maxing out membership. When you say "Literally NEVER going invite new players able to come in and scuttle all the boats in the harbor." You are "Literally" wrong.

The main #1 reason we do not want to be in a mega is because of what you are advocating for more of here. WE DO NOT WANT A FUCKING DICTATOR WHEN WE PLAY A GAME.

You want to lock me out of more things after you invite me to your company? Oh YOU can say what boat I sail. YOU can say when and where I can build. You can say what doors I can and cant use. YOU CAN GO FUCK YOURSELF IS WHAT YOU CAN DO! At least with that I must own you view. 

Your idea would make people leave your precious mega more than it would attract anyone of use to your cause.

You want the solo players to join bigger companies? Take away the threat of restricting our in game access. All doors, boxes, buildings, boats should be unlocked to every company member 110%. Basically, everything I can do as a solo I should still be able to do as a member of a company. Else why would I join people and lose content? Do I look like a slave? Do you want to be a slave?

I'm not trying to be a dick. Would you join my company if I told you everything you could and couldn't do? If I had 200 people and said hey, "this is your schooner, there are many like it but this one is yours." I believe you would tell me to go fuck myself.

I'm just saying, please don't be so attached to your fake shit I game that you want to oppress people to get your jollys off.

 Knowing full well you were all 100+ against 50s-80s, you took 200 people to fight 35? Well, I guess I hope it was a rewarding experience. Megas sure sound like a blast.



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I.... just want to clarify by:

...the patch dropping early next week

...you meant somewhere around Thursday or Friday right??? 😄

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@Chucksteak you are totaly right with your opinion because you know yourself and you are trustworthy. But the truth is also that lots of second Accounts are out there to bring spys in other companys and also to delete stuff of the inflitrated enemy. So this is most likely the biggest fear of a mega tribe to get insided and loose ships by scattling or droped gold of the flag or dropped BPs etc. There is no way you can trust new players you invite because this insiders are all around. Even a company of 20 players is infiltrated most likeley already. You may don't understand this and I myself don't too. I've one account like many others and I try to play fair. But even if 80-90% of the players do so it does not matter compared to the black sheep. Invite new players is alwas a risk as well as merging companys. Sometimes it pays off... sometimes not. I once played with 10 players and we got 4 settlers on our second island. Everything went well until their leader discovered that his white cat died(on PvP)... He deleted everything... we invited the other 3 players that got doomed by him. After that this guy tried to crash our harbor gate with 50 rafts over 10 days which costs us about 10k cannon shots^^ You have to deal with those players and you don't want them in your company.

Also the rank setting system is a huge pain in the A*s. This should be on the devs list like so many other points.

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the devs just treolling us now we pay money to play and then have the devs lie to us about bieng for solos n stuff lolz get on the sea but beter pay the gold that is hard to get so much solo just to lose it cause you cant practice and make mistakes in sailing a new brig or even ur new schooner yall are the ones makeing not fun at this point 

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On 3/8/2021 at 5:40 PM, Chucksteak said:


You left in islands that megas can own in multiples. You possibly fucked every solo on lawless. I mean PROPER FUCKED! 

Can these be destroyed while I am at work?

Can people put down multiples of these or just 1 per person or company?

Can my tower be overrode by another adjacent tower?

Can Megas still own several islands and then still go out into lawless and span claim areas for free to exploit market trades?

No wipe? 

Guys, I give you the benefit of a doubt at every opportunity. How about you flesh out some details. As it is, it appears you fucked solos and smalls into oblivion right now. 




they want a raptorshow for promotion i guess bc they can not get attention from the good programming work alone.


i am just wondering what happened again


maybe new devs. again, who the hell knows right



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First off you just made me go watch Full Metal Jacket, fugger 🙂

Gotta side with @PHaRTnONu and @Nacona regarding spies, insiding and the opinion that access mechanics are a pain in the ass.

     Some background.

     Both spying on and sabotaging an enemy are not only fundamental tactics dating back several thousand years, Military Institutions teach them as some of the MOST IMPORTANT tactics a leader can employ. Literally it is considered the pinnacle of military greatness to..

     a. Be knowledgeable about your adversaries strengths and weaknesses, this is obtained by spying

     b. Then use that information to defeat the enemy via any or all of the following methods

       b.1. Incorporating them into your ranks without their realizing it until it's too late.

       b.2. Sabotage them and get them to retaliate against a party favorable to your interests.

       b.3. Sabotage them and leave them baffled and paranoid, ideally resulting in weakness or self destruction.

       b.4. If a battle is unavoidable then maneuver them into a trap or disadvantageous position.

       b.5. Cause them to waste time and resources whenever possible.

       b.6. Destroy them before they realize an attack is occurring.

       b.7. Spread misinformation resulting in poor decisions.

      ** Theres probably more but the concept is clear - win with minimum cost and risk **

     I've been playing MMOPVP games around 20 years. Over the years I've been sabotaged and I've sabotaged others. Any leader who fails to employ deception as part of their strategy in war is negligent in their responsibilities. The same goes if they don't guard against it. Period.

     Unfortunately the anonymity provided by the internet makes it almost too easy in a video game. When I was considering recruiting and bulking up in Atlas I was probably going to begin with a "recruit company", spy on my own team members, look for negativity, poor judgement, duplicitous behavior etc before even considering a recruit for the "primary company".

     Most, not all, but most leaders don't want to be dictators but in any battle type situation its hard to NOT be. One lying little shithead blabbermouth can cost ya everything.

     So I've got mixed views on how permissions should work, gotta have SOME chaos in a MMOPVP game or go play chess... I have a solution too, but, as usual, I'm keeping it to myself. 🙂


Closing example

    Different game, but, I remember holding back ~7 Clans, monopolising the best farming spot in my region for almost TWO YEARS, by simply not denying the rumor that we were Alts from the Biggest Mega on the server. Total bullshit 😂....but.... then...we...got...insided.... lol

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13 hours ago, Ranger1k said:


First off you just made me go watch Full Metal Jacket, fugger 🙂

Gotta side with @PHaRTnONu and @Nacona regarding spies, insiding and the opinion that access mechanics are a pain in the ass.

Well your welcome, its a great movie. 🙂 

In addition to not wanting anyone to ever have that much control over MY gameplay, I also think it is appropriate for there to be an escalating amount of risk in having a bigger company. The whole pesky risk/reward thing. This is my opinion and you can side against it certainly.

However the fact is that this is not at all currently an issue for megas, as many of them have full rosters with no issues picking up members to stay full. Just a wish for some people to have more control over others. If you don't trust me with full access, then don't invite me. I wouldn't join in any event.

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You get spies in eso pvp a lot. where people will play on 2 pc's and log in with a different faction just to find out information. I think people who go to that kind of extreme need to get a life that exists in reality. And maybe make some real friends. When they get older they will probably be the street curtain twitcher.

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So let me get this straight, everybody that isn't on within 45 min of patch (whenever that is exactly) gets wiped and everybody that is on within that  is will be able to scramble saving whatever they can and then join in on flattening whoever still isn't on. I see people claiming then taking whatever then demoing the tower then placing another over some other victim's stuff and rinse and repeat until islands are leveled, or replaced by new ownership to maybe be built on later if they're feeling it.......but no wipe.

I understand this is beta but the devs need to understand that people have time invested and if they want us to play their game they need to release all the info on these updates so that the players can prep to avoid completely losing the time they have invested in this game or they'll walk and bash this game over every media they can out of complete anger. The tower claiming wouldn't be bad at wipe so everybody is on the same page but not now. Not by the way it's explained. I foresee this going very badly.

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2 hours ago, lordkhan4444 said:

they said end of week so thurs or fri

In the Q&A that they released last week they said "early next week" 


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Single player is broken.........


How about you fix current issues/ bugs /mechanics that are already in the game and have been broke for months or optimization instead of adding more to the game.

Everybody wants more added dont get me wrong but I bet you everyone would prefer bug fixes and optimization more

The lack of information about these new systems is baffling 

I'm not a pvp or pve player on official because of the horrible performance and crashing when approaching populated islands and now cant play singleplayer or non-dedicated because of saves being corrupted 

I understand this is a beta/work in progress but I'm starting to question the "WORK" in progress

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I think we can eventually say goodbye to single player,as they don't seem to update it much. Also probably no pve in the future.

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