chukiki 14 Posted March 25, 2021 (edited) Who wants to play a game where it is 20 players vs 1 or 2? Only Atlas and some other sad Survival games have that that cant balance their game. And I already told them how to fix this. The game is actually unplayable once u get overwhelmed. And people quit because of this. They might not be concious about it, but this is one of the main reason why people quit playing. U have the same issue in Rust. And I quit Rust bc of it. The game was unplayable grindy and unfair for small groups. Solo players should be like Heroes that can take it on with a large group. Then the game would actually be fun. Edited March 25, 2021 by chukiki Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Motor 22 Posted March 30, 2021 The game doesn't need to mold to what you need it to be so you don't get your shit pushed in. You need to be innovative and creative to overcome obstacles. Perseverance and intelligence to become this "hero" solo player. That's why you struggle, you have none of this. Ironically, sounds like pve is more for you. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
orilt 2 Posted April 18, 2021 wtf are these suggestions lol. I assume it's a lazy solo player that want it to be similar to other casual games like SOT. GTO! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Collector 3 Posted April 22, 2021 I feel dumber for reading this list. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Xime 3 Posted April 26, 2021 1. Armored docks need to be removed from the gameNope, nope, nope. They are giving us great oportunity for stopping people from harbour runs. They are also easy to destroy, i for example destroyed small and large dock at the same day with 2 ships and 3 ppl so you can't say you need big company to do that in order to get all gold from inside them or take their ship down. 2. puckle npc's need to be vulnerable - Don't agreeThese are practically basic defense of your base and taking them too easy will cause more fight on the land that we don't want. We want more sea fights. You can use just one cannon to overrange them and take them down easily. 3. Gold cost for self crafted ships needs to be removed - Don't agreeNot agree, it is good like it is. It prevents big companies from having hundreds of galleons. Big companies still will have more gold than smaller ones but also they will have more peoples so they will able to handle more ships at once. If you have small company with 6 people you don't need 10 galleons and gold costs will keep you on the sea for treasures, whaling etc. 4. No gun mini game - Don't agreeYou just like complaining, don't you? 5. HP of shipyards needs to be loweredThey are super easy to destroy. Totaly not agree 6. Lighthouses are too cheapSo what? Theirs only purpose is to show you the way or warn you if you're getting close to island during fog time. Leave them in peace 7. mortars on ships need to be allowed to counter mortars on landDefinitely not. Are you mad? even if you would have them you will never counter mortars on tower 20 walls high. 8. ships should be insta captured if beds are destroyed, and ship is decrewedHere you got point for the first time, but insta captured? Nope, i would rather greatly decreas capturing time from 1-2 days to lets say 5 hours and 12 hours when fully anchored. If you would start claiming ship on the beach and you have 5 h timer and everybody is dead and ship would drop anchor, the timer should automatically increase till 12h so the owner can have time to fight back for it. In open sea you cannot anchor so 5h is enough (it could also be destroyed by SoD or whale) 9. structures must be capturableYou just played too much rust my friend. It is not quick pvp, it is open mmo sandbox game, how would you feel going to work and cominb back every day just to see you lost everything you had. They develop similar system to the lawless which is complety absurd to me. I would rather enable to steal teritory which would highly increase decay time for every non company structure like for 4 days and 3 days for doors so you can actually loot it. So people could fight for teritory in order to defence theirs bases. 10. small characters should get a damage penalty, while super large ones get a damage buffWow, i wouldn't think i ill agree in something with you. Here you are right, something for something. We need to have balanced options not just one sided benefits from choosing one option. 11. cannons need to be pick-up-able and be placable on enemy foundation to raid efficientlyWell, they could be picupable but not placable on enemy's foundation, would rather allow to place them directly on the ground close to enemies foundation but also with 10 min timer. 12. fix that bug where after u use praying eyes u cant pull out ur weapons, and increase durationYes, just report it as a bug and they will work on it. 13 .remove peace/combat phasesAgain i do not agree with that. We want keep people more on sea for sea fights, we all came here for pirates fights not ark 2.0 didn't we? 14.blueprints need to be removedBlueprints are bit overpowered if it comes to big companies so i can agree with that, add more stuff instead of blueprints and increase base stats of all stuff to be a little bit higher. Unless we can find solution to boost small companies to help them with crafting those blueprints. 15.aging/hair growth is way too fast atmNot agree, just deal with it. Next. 16.remove shaking earth effect caused by animalsI guess you never checked your graphic options in menu, did you? 17. no more crew limits on shipsTalking about unreality in game, want unlimited crew on ships. Totally not agree. Next. 18. remove all chores like treasure hunting, floatsam etc. from the gameThat's most pirate thing in game, treasures/floatsam/hunting, leave them alone. They could do special regions on each island for treasures where people can't build structures so everyone can do them. Still need to land on an islands and that's different story You don't like them, you don't have to do them, pick them up. 19. players shouldnt spawn on freeports, and freeport, there shouldnt be a safe zoneThat's exaclty where players should spawn, there is lot's of newcomers, they have to learn some basics about the game. Instead of that i would highly increase decoy time on every ship (in example, you can stay with any ship maximum 4 hours no matter if you're fixing planks or not, after that time, ship despawn, and of course give a proper info about it to every player) For animals instead allow us dmg them after 1 day of being in freeport. That should resolve problem with storagging all items in safe zones. What about shops? Allow only few per company with limited space in it 20. nerf barrelsMaybe a little bit but mostly we need to remove catapults from ships or make the barrels not throwable by catapults on ships. You could still use them by manually throwing them at enemy ship but that applies only in very close distance 21. remove ships of the damnedDo not agree, game without them will be super boring. 22. regarding animalsI would only increase hp on lions/tigers a bit. Rest is good expect all the saddles that are coming with new patch. Saddles are supper shit and will brake the game especially with torpedoes on the land. Could say, welcome to ARK 2.0, no more pirate game. 23. nerf mace, shield stun, buff crossbow/bow/guns, nerf shield, nerf hookMace is good, maybe increase bit crossbow dmg, guns are okay, hook is okay. Nerf shield bash cooldown, once someone start bash you, is super hard to run away, instead put ie. 10 sec on bash, same for power strike on pike and fists. 24. Handcuffs need to be removed or there needs to be a solutionTottaly not agree, it is very realistic, that is also one of the most piracy thing in game. Next. 25. Cannon balls fly too slowYes! This is very annoying. Speed them up 26. after destroying a warehouse you should get all the loot inside, not a fractionYou are getting basically all loot from it. You will not even able to carry it at once 27. bar shots need to be removedNope. Barshots are good, leave them alone. 28. no character upgrades like HP etc.Are you serious? You want no gap and differences between people who spend thousands hours in game on leveling character and people who only started? Bullshit. Get real man 29 .player name join notification needs to be removedI agree on that 30. customizable zoom for ships needs to be addedI agree on that 31. remove customizable shipsI do not agree, mmo sandbox is all about customizable stuff. Would rather say work on performance but they're already doing it 32. increase ship weight capacityNot really capacity but increase amount on which weight penalty is applied from 30% to 50% 33. remove limits for alliances and company sizeNo, no, no and again no. We don't want any supremacies in game that will make pvp into pve if you're with them or totaly anihilation if you're against. 34. handling sails get greatly outperformed by speed sailsThey are not. All of them have different purposes and they are doing good. I only wonder about weight sails, nobody is using them, they need to be reworked 35. wood/stone pillars's HP needs to be reducedPillars spam is pain in arse. Enemy should not be able to build anything on your island expect cannons (placed on the ground) so pillars spam will not exist anymore and thanks to that performance of game will also increase. 36. remove ownership???? In company setting you have option like "personal owner", that means that everything you build/own (ships,animals) is personal and if you leave company everything will leave with you (structures/ships/animals), you need to have proper settings set in your company dude 37. remove custom buildingCustom building is good, it gives you more posibilites but yes i would prefer ready structures. On one hand, performance is greater but on the other hand it's kinda boring because everything looks same (expect colors if you're able to paint stuff) and technically you know base of every single company. So i would rather put them togeather 38. allow saving ships (save + load)Yes! Allowing to save your ship projects would be very handy 39. Reduce a companies income based on their member number, increase crew cost for bigger clansWhy would they punish people in bigger companies for playing togeather and having fun? Nobody want split players, it is rather a goal to get great communieties than lonely wolves. They can work on boosting small companies not punishing bigger. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dev Crusher 41 Posted April 27, 2021 Haha, the only demand that i share is : Remove all PVE servers. A game without a challenge is no game. But the rest of the suggestions means turning the game into a LOLtroll paradise. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PurrNation-Aaron 1 Posted May 2, 2021 Sounds like he just needs to pay attention and then try a community that has modded the server files to change some of this stuff he is complaining about. About 70% of those things can be adjusted with the right knowledge, and a little bit of C++. Nerfs are a real thing in games, but I think the stuff you want changed would ruin this game. I wish you luck. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Daveroe 6 Posted May 6, 2021 it looks like you played 2 weeks got raided an came here to complain, a lot of your complaints refer to older versions of atlas, ie shipyard fortification helps the little guys. before them you log on every day to all sunken ships by 1guy on cannon bear. there are some good and some bad. but the game is constantly changing. if you dont like it now come back in 6 or 12 months ad it will look verry difrent again. i get the feeling atlas is just a test bed of what works with plan to make a better full version or atlas 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nacona 111 Posted May 10, 2021 a mystical large armored ship dock just costs you 65000 gold , the standard only 50000 -> more costs to craft than the Galleon itself... you could build 2-3 Brigs with the gold... and you can't find them anymore precrafted so you will see lots of ship wrecks on the shores and no armored docks all around. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kast 96 Posted May 10, 2021 I imagine the OP showing up solo with a bear cannon at 4am on a weekday to a well-defended island, and then writing this list in a rage as he sailed home. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chukiki 14 Posted May 19, 2021 (edited) updated: -reduce gather rate and adjust prices A 2x2 thatch house should take 10 min to build. A 2x2 wood house should take 20 min to build. A 2x2 stone house should take 40 min to build. This will prevent building spam. If players lose a building it should hurt! Also making a stone house should be an accomplishment people can be proud of. Edited May 19, 2021 by chukiki Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nacona 111 Posted May 20, 2021 (edited) 13 hours ago, chukiki said: updated: -reduce gather rate and adjust prices A 2x2 thatch house should take 10 min to build. A 2x2 wood house should take 20 min to build. A 2x2 stone house should take 40 min to build. At least Chukiki you let us know what you update in your curious list with that much bull shit in it(my personal opinion) Considering you start naked and already have the skills(and hand harvesting maxed) to build this parts the time you show here is pretty much in game already. Maybe you are a little faster as currently is 2x harvesting active as well. thatch & wood: You need to hit trees to make stone axe and pick, farm for 17 parts(4 bottom, 8 walls, 4 celings and 1 Door) and maybe build some spears to hunt an wild animal for leather to craft a bed that your 2x2 has some functionality. I guess you are busy more than 10 minutes. To build this pieces if you have farmed already, can craft them directly and build next to you and not on a different island or far away on yours you are maybe busy less than 10 minutes. For stone structures you need a smithy which increases the farming time 5-10 minutes(if low metal)... but you may get it done in 20 minutes. So Chukiki? What the f**k are you talking about here? You want a restriction that you can place 1 stone structure every ~2 minutes (40minutes : 17 pieces)???????? So a harbor or base with 7000 structures would take 140000 minutes to build = 233 hours = about 10 days? And of every one pieces 2 minutes you wait 1:55 for the restriction to disapear? Please do us a favor Chukiki and just stop! Just STOP! Edited May 20, 2021 by Nacona 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kast 96 Posted May 26, 2021 On 5/19/2021 at 12:32 PM, chukiki said: updated: -reduce gather rate and adjust prices A 2x2 thatch house should take 10 min to build. A 2x2 wood house should take 20 min to build. A 2x2 stone house should take 40 min to build. This will prevent building spam. If players lose a building it should hurt! Also making a stone house should be an accomplishment people can be proud of. That's fine. As long as cannonball fire rate is also reduced to one shot every 40 minutes. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Captain Kuro 28 Posted May 26, 2021 I think maybe Roblox might be more your speed 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SGFTI 9 Posted May 27, 2021 The couple things I agree with are drowned in so much dumb. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Pattus 34 Posted May 29, 2021 Being able to scope Puckle towers from a mile away and 'see' they have no ammo.... Lame. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chukiki 14 Posted June 4, 2021 (edited) -remove towers that give buffs to ships benefits clans only, and is very silly by design Edited June 4, 2021 by chukiki Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nacona 111 Posted June 7, 2021 On 6/4/2021 at 5:51 PM, chukiki said: -remove towers that give buffs to ships benefits clans only, and is very silly by design First time I agree to your single point. The towers are not balanced in anyway. Also they are already removed or you can't place them anymore as they caused server crashes over days. Ship speed is actually very good balanced besides medium sails and weight sails buff compared to cargo rack debuff. It's a thought to make the Sea Forts more valuable besides getting destroyed and setting tax/ denying trades. The Towers don't shot on PvP as well. Why you can't set them agressive? Why you can't name the walls and Towers to know which fort is under attack? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chukiki2 0 Posted October 23, 2023 (edited) i need to add that the Quote blackjack needs to lose its ability to drop players from their tames. This is utterly broken. kk Edited November 5, 2023 by chukiki2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites