ATLAS 244 Posted February 27, 2021 Ahoy Pathfinders! We’ve got a pretty jam-packed post for you today! Because of your amazing participation, providing tons of questions for our team, we’ve decided to split responses into two posts. Since we received a large amount of inquiries regarding PvP balances, we’ll be discussing those questions separately in a later post. Because today, we have a few special topics we’ll be addressing first. Our first entry is a reply from the dev team regarding the inclusion of a new ship building system. Next, we have a new survey for you all to provide feedback on Ships and we can’t wait to hear your responses. Finally, we finish up with Q&A, excluding PVP questions previously mentioned. In an effort to provide more transparency between the team and the community, we continue to look for more ways to blend the goals of the two entities to make Atlas as great as we both know it can be. We appreciate your support and ‘til next time, may your skies be clear, waters calm, and sails full in whichever way you roam. From the Captain's Quarters We have heard your concerns regarding the new ship system and we would like to discuss our goals for it to help set expectations. We love the level of customization the original ship system provides and we will continue to support it for as long as possible. Currently, there are no plans to remove the original ship system. Early Access gives us the unique opportunity to share new systems while they are still early in development. The modular ship system is one of these new systems, and it will be released in three main stages, the first of which has already begun. In the first stage, we used the new system to create pre-built ships, like the Ramming Galley and the Majestic Kraken. Our goal with this stage is to give players a sneak peek of the system while also providing a quicker option for obtaining new ships. While the ability to purchase pre-built ships isn’t going anywhere, it’s not the end goal for the new system. The next stage of the modular ship system is coming soon and will introduce customization options to pre-built ships through module swapping. We will be introducing a system similar to ‘Sail Points’ called ‘Module Points.’ Each ship will have a pool of Module Points, and every module placed on the ship’s ribbing will cost a set number of points. Higher impact modules will cost more points. As a simple example, a Midship Gunport Module with two Gunports will cost more than a Midship Gunport Module with one Gunport. We will be rolling this system out piece by piece, starting with the ability to craft and swap Railing Modules. As we expand the customization system, our goal is to introduce a variety of modules that provide meaningful choices when building ships. Players will need to decide which pieces are most valuable to their strategy and budget their points accordingly. We feel that the original ship system had little room for choice and expression because the meta was so defined. Our goal is to expand the meta to include a variety of different builds and strategies supported by the new system. Initially, we will be releasing tactically-focused modules, but eventually we will also release cosmetically-focused modules. These could include things like different Railing types or a Midship Module with windows. Cosmetic modules provide no advantage in combat but would allow players to make their ship their own. (Cosmetic modules won’t cost additional Module Points.) The final stage of the system will allow players to build modular ships from the ground up. After choosing a ship hull size, players will be able to plug in modules from a variety of available choices. (As long as they have enough Module Points!) Our goal is to eventually have enough modules that the new system will have the same level of customization as the original system. This final stage of development won’t be complete for a while, but we hope you’ll stick with us for this journey! New Survey - Ships We're back with another Community Survey! Remember, surveys will cover a specific topic, so if we haven't pushed out a survey relevant to your interests yet, please know that there will be more! If there are any topics or changes you would like to see from us in future surveys, please let us know! We're only beginning this initiative, and hope to improve our process as we continue to develop ATLAS hand in hand with the community! This month's survey is focused on collecting early feedback to our New Ship System / Ships for Gold System. So far, we currently have the Ramming Galley and the Majestic Kraken out, with plans for many new and unique ships on the way. The goal is to create a highly customizable and modular ship system where players can make meaningful choices when building their ships. Before you complete the survey - if you haven't already, please make sure you have read the latest about our goal for this new Ships system in the Captain’s Quarters section above, as it will provide more details. Please find the link to the survey here Although we cannot promise to commit any specific change, we would want to be able to quantify which issues players care about most by using this survey to reach as broad an audience as possible. We appreciate your support! Thank you! Without further ado, here’s our Q&A! Hang out at our Discord for a chance to get your questions answered in the next Q&A! Q&A Will the new claim system address the long-standing problems many islands have of "lawless" areas in what should be Island-owned territory? We have been getting a lot of great data about claiming since Early Access started. Each system has had some good aspects and bad aspects. Every player has different needs and ideas about what they want. The new Area Claim system is meant to fill in some gaps and for now will live side by side with the existing island claim system. The island system still has some flaws and bugs and will be looking to address that in the future when we decide how it fits into the big picture. With the new theme and vision, will single player still be part of that? While PvP is our primary focus when designing content, we want to ensure new features are also supported in our other game modes. (Including Single Player!) Are patches being tested in single player or are they only tested for multiplayer purposes? Recent patches have addressed some Single Player specific bugs and we plan to continue this in future patches. Your reports speed up the bug squishing process, so please continue reporting any bugs you come across. Can you enable the market system on single player? The Trade System runs on a separate server from the game to allow Markets on different servers to talk to each other. When it comes to single player, it will have to be same-server trading only. This change will require some engineering work and we do not know yet when we are going to make that happen. Will there be factions or AI? It would make PVE more interesting. What do you think of having PVP only at sea while land is PVE? Our direction for Atlas is to make rich player interactions, whether that is through conflict or cooperation, and that is where we will spend most of our development effort. We have talked about factions and think those fit better with an MMORPG style game rather than a massively multiplayer sandbox game focused on PVP. When will there be a massive Structure limit for land bases? How do you intend to prevent massive Structure spam that was used in PVP as defense meta on any island and in PVE to claim land on lawless? Spamming structures is not fun gameplay and we would like to get it out of the game. We have some tools available, such as restricting the number of structures that can be built. Each of those options come with drawbacks. We'd like to find a solution that feels good within the world, is good for performance, and isn't so ugly. One of the things we are working on is giving players more choices when building. For example, rather than having to spam 100 walls, we are adopting some of the modding community's solutions and making large stone blocks so that larger defensive structures can be made with fewer pieces. We are also looking at making more automated structures that are designed specifically for defense. When can we take exact amounts of resources out of a resource box? Can we please have a keybind to pull one single stack of something from a ship resources chest? Thank you for the suggestion! We'll look into this. We love hearing ideas that make Atlas a smoother experience. What Holidays are to be recognized going forward? So far with the new team we've enjoyed Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s and then skipped over Valentine’s. Is there a list, or is it just if there's time given the more frequent Updates? We don't have a formal list of events, but we like to celebrate as many holidays as our development schedule allows. Our primary focus is on new features, quality of life changes, balance, and bug fixes, so most holidays will be celebrated with rate up events. However, the Winter Event was a lot of fun to prepare, so you may see something similar in the future. (Anyone want a pair of Bunny Ears?) Do you plan to make any changes to the current economic system? Gold is pretty abundant on PVP, and absurdly worthless on PVE due to the lack of any major goldsinks. Do you have any plans to change gold cost settings between PVP and PVE? PVP sinks gold into war-dec tokens, drakes, and 1000s of defensive npcs. PVE has none of this and island costs are minimal - there is little chance of islands changing ownership on PVE until the owner doesn't log in for 10 days. This is one of our core focuses on the game right now. We definitely have some more gold sinks in mind and would love to hear your ideas. Please note that with our small team, at this stage in development, we are focused on balancing PVP first. Gold is only one aspect of the economy. We would also like to see a thriving and competitive resource economy. Right now it's very hard for small companies to get a variety of resources, and very easy for large companies to get nearly all of the resources. Since this is tied so closely to competitive balance, it accentuates the gaps between these player groups. We have started working on the next map, and it will give you more reasons to value different islands for the unique characteristics they contain. This is something we’ll talk more about in the future. Question, will more gear for the players (like new swords, guns, and armor) be added as time goes on? Atlas is a game about telling player stories. Custom gear or content is one of the places we would like to reinforce that. Rather than take the standard RPG approach where the devs craft thousands of items, we'd rather give the tools to players to let them craft unique and interesting items within the game, so we will be working on those sorts of systems instead. That said, most of our art effort in the next year is focused on creating awesome new ships, so new visuals for player gear are not likely to be added soon. Does the team envision that it could be viable to just sail 24-7 and totally avoid land from the beginning of the game? With the introduction of new ships, Sea Forts, and water tames, the ocean is more alive than ever before and we will continue developing content that pulls people towards the sea. We have a variety of features in development including physical trade ships that can be intercepted to steal resources. We are moving towards a world in which a strong navy will be required even if you have a base on land. That said, land will always have a place in Atlas and the majority of players will want to explore both the land and the sea. We would like to hear more about direction on loot. The loot in this game is so bad right now we are seeing no crafts on bps, and are not seeing more of those bps dropping. We would just like a long write up of what direction you would like to take loot. Also why was loot changed mid season, crippling companies who now do not have the bps to replace boats? What data has been collected on the loot change? Most of us are still seeing low % items at the MW and above scale. Is there more loot balance coming this season? We have started making changes to loot focused on blueprints and will continue to do so. We are making multiple changes simultaneously to support some transformative changes and that means sometimes things will get out of balance for a while. Recently with blueprint crafts there were some errors in the math which made the number of crafts significantly lower than was intended, and we'll be fixing that. To be clear on the intention - we are moving BP drops to happen in higher frequency with lower craft counts. This means you will see interesting and unique BPs more often, and will not be able to sustain as long on a single good find. Regarding our long term plans, rather than make this a strict RNG loot experience, we're also working on a set of blueprint crafting, merging, and upgrading systems. This will be initially focused on sails as we prototype the system. This should allow you to get closer to the sort of customized, hand-crafted blueprints you want while still providing an element of skill and luck for getting there. We will reveal more on that system as it comes along, but look for sail BP crafting in the coming months. Will we see increased reasons to sail in our home grids? Currently the only place to sail for content is GA. Is there talk of making more local grid content that would incentivize players to sail to other grids other than GA? Our goal is to get more player interaction, especially on the water. Adding in Sea Forts is an example of an objective you need to sail to and compete over. Sailing can be obnoxious if you have to go long distances and that's why we're addressing that problem with the upcoming Tradewinds and after that we plan to introduce a portal system. Tradewinds is in final testing, and the portal system is still being worked out in design. Atlas is primarily a game about interactions with other players, so new water objectives we create are not going to be single-player experiences, but rather ways of drawing players together in conflict. What are your long-term game performance optimization strategies (realistic ones)? It seems pretty clear that from a technology perspective, it's not possible to support islands with 100s of thousands of structures on them and maintain enjoyable gameplay. How is this being addressed and how can players provide detailed feedback as you discuss potential strategies for dealing with this? We're looking to consolidate some larger multi-piece structures into chunkier single-piece structures. The overall structure count has a huge impact on performance. We don't want to remove the customization that is a hallmark of Atlas, so we're looking for ways to add new options rather than cull existing choices. Are there any plans to rework the chat system to give players a better method of communication? Not for a while. We'd love to eventually implement a mail system that allows players to communicate across servers. Would the ability to salvage ship parts of sunken enemy ships be possible? A skill with a chance on salvage to get the item at a low percentage. This will help provide an incentive for players to pvp for loot in ship combat. We're definitely looking at ways to bring more conflict to the ocean. Winning a difficult battle only to receive some resources can certainly be frustrating and we'd love to implement a system that allows you to receive a greater reward for your efforts. Will players who have been playing since Early Access be rewarded with something special when the game goes to Full Release? We will be looking for some ways to reward our long time loyal fans as we leave early access. It is a bit too early to commit to anything specific. What are some immersion goals on the horizon? While performance-related, it's currently boring/problematic to have ships rendering when they are almost within firing distance (versus spotting sails far into the distance). This is on our radar. We agree that the render distance should be increased to prevent ships popping in and out of view during combat, but we want to ensure any changes we make won't come at the cost of performance. Weather mechanics are currently very one dimensional and don't offer any actual strategic value (you can't choose to head into a storm to lose chasers, for example). We're planning to flesh out the weather system in the future. Some early ideas include allowing players to control the weather to make certain islands more inhabitable (or uninhabitable if you're an attacker). We'd also like to make storms more interesting by adding new encounters and resources inside them. Also, smaller things like allowing lanterns to burn indefinitely and automatically turn on/off at dusk/dawn. We always love hearing quality of life suggestions! Keep them coming! Final Note Again, we would like to emphasize that ATLAS is still in Early Access, meaning many things can and will likely continue to drastically change - even in the middle of development. Anything discussed is only up to date as of the moment it is posted. Features and changes that ultimately make it to the next patch, as well as timing, may be different from what was previously discussed. As always, we appreciate the suggestions and feedback from the community. Please keep them coming! Thank you for all of your support! Happy Sailing, - ATLAS Crew For the latest dispatch on #playATLAS keep yer one good eye trained on this here information Natter n' chatter on Discord: Hear ye, hear ye on Twitter: Watch us scallywags on Twitch: Plus ye can band with us Pirates on Facebook: View full article Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DriptheDM 2 Posted February 27, 2021 Quote For example, rather than having to spam 100 walls, we are adopting some of the modding community's solutions Why don't you just open up the Devkit and let the modders fix your game already? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Grendalsh 9 Posted February 27, 2021 When can we take exact amounts of resources out of a resource box? Can we please have a keybind to pull one single stack of something from a ship resources chest?OMG PLEASE YES Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DiseasedLeopard 94 Posted February 27, 2021 It would be nice if tickets were actually answered and not automatically marked as "solved". Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mishma 10 Posted February 27, 2021 Everything's good~ When are you going to update the localization file? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dev Crusher 41 Posted February 27, 2021 You guys should become politicians. You have clearly mastered the skill to say absolutely nothing in thousands of words. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
George Catcher 367 Posted February 27, 2021 (edited) Quote We'd love to eventually implement a mail system that allows players to communicate across servers. Ah, c'mon!!! We need gathering group instrument! You know, a lot of ppl play solo not because they hate everyone, but because there is no groups instrument in the game. You can not announce assemble. Even in chat - you can not sail to some grid and start to yeling: "I gather for Kraken", no one will go, because everyone needs to run through island, gather like 8000 coal resource, and 6000 metal. Recycle it to gunpowder, create and carry to ammo box 1200 cannonballs. Put alot of repair resources to the ship's resources box. Putt all crew to stations. If there is a tundra, then sail few grid away for herbs and seeds to create med-kits. It may lasts couple hours. Only then, they ready to go. What we need is some kind of announcement boards. So any player will be able to write: "this Friday. we do Kraken, few Brigs and Galleys needed, start in 19:00 local" and all other players can read one and sign they in: "I'll definatelly go" or "I'll probably go". All those ice caves, Kraken, Ghost ship, Hydras and Drakes, Whales, lvl-16+ treasures, even LVL-50+ damned Galley may require a group (I do all of it, exept ice cave, solo with my brig and tiger tame, but some1 might unable to do that). Oh, and of course, group loot. There is no group loot system in seas. It should be the same as in treasure chests. One gather it. Every1 else find their own loot it their inventories!!! Quote we want to ensure any changes we make won't come at the cost of performance. LODs guys!!! Do LODs : ))) Quote Also, smaller things like allowing lanterns to burn indefinitely and automatically turn on/off at dusk/dawn.We always love hearing quality of life suggestions! Keep them coming! Jeez guys. Players asking about that SINCE BEGGINING, it means in 2 years already!!! Oh and make wallhooks within masts indestructible! 500 HP is a joke every damned ship keep destroying them by a shingle hits!!! Edited February 27, 2021 by George Catcher Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nearchous 8 Posted February 27, 2021 (edited) I forgot to add it to the survey I also think it would be a good idea to be able to create a blueprint of the ship's design after we make it so that if necessary we can easily make more of the same. With the blueprint in the yard to calculate and ask for the materials needed to immediately create a ready-made ship like the one we had built before. Such a thing would give emphasis and advantages even for the sale of ships by players.Also...right now in pve, can one just hit a market on a fort (without getting involved with the towers) win 50000+ gold without any effort and risk, at the same time sinking a ship of damned 60 level gets about 200, I think more balance is needed in this. Edited February 27, 2021 by Nearchous Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Xime 3 Posted February 27, 2021 8 hours ago, DiseasedLeopard said: It would be nice if tickets were actually answered and not automatically marked as "solved". It would be nice if someone could read. They said it's early access so support is not available. If you have problem with missing animals, not active owner, it's your problem as the game is still in testing phase. They only check reports about bug/glitches etc. to keep game up to date. Seems like you don't really understand early access phrase Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fionaline 5 Posted February 27, 2021 Am i the only one dying to get a fertilizer bin lol? the most crazy mundane task in atlas is standing behind the bigs picking up poop then walk slowly around crafting or standing still forever to make enough fertilizers to the plots lol, wish they would add a bin that in a area would pick up the poop from the pigs /animals and then where you could add thatch to the bin and start it crafting the fertilizers so you dont have to stand there forever crafting them lol, if you do content etc food is required( lots of food) so you need a lot of plots to have the ingredients to cook it , you focus on us getting out on sea , well heres one thing that takes ages and are super boring to do lol , so please make us a fertilizer bin :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
George Catcher 367 Posted February 27, 2021 46 minutes ago, Fionaline said: Am i the only one dying to get a fertilizer bin lol? You can try a farm for that : )) Like this guy did: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aquagoth 38 Posted February 27, 2021 >Are patches being tested in single player or are they only tested for multiplayer purposes? >Are patches being tested? ftfy 1 hour ago, George Catcher said: You can try a farm for that : )) Like this guy did: Holy! Imagine the things this lad could accomplish in real life if it weren't for video games... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Twitchy1992 6 Posted February 27, 2021 Thanks for answering my question about the additional gear. Was hoping maybe we would see some more weaponry for peeps to use In the future. But it be what it be still love the game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
George Catcher 367 Posted February 28, 2021 I was sailing back from my 2nd Kraken Solo attempt (failed to kill very last tentacle of the fight, I'm such a looser lol) and in G7 Goldens, south-east of island spotted those: They didn't do anything, but exists for some reason. I'm curious what are those? : )) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JamesSimon 0 Posted February 28, 2021 Can you guys please have it as a full game instead of preview like your ark Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nacona 111 Posted March 1, 2021 This Q&A turns out to be the first one that could be some kind of a new roadmap looking in the future with things that will happen. no factions are planned at all. Players have to organize this themselves in a MMO sandbox(kind of difficult) but maybe a good decission.(for PvP) Claiming remains difficult if the solution has to be working on PVE and PvP. Maybe there should be different solutions? Let's see what the Devs will come up with. On PVE there shouldn't be claimable islands as most players are split up in very small companys. Hopefully the Devs find some balance between offline protection, claimable area and depending on this structure limits that are necessary right now for protection of ships and bases. Resource Box interaction improved - Hell Yes!! Looking forward to the new ships and 1 year of balancing. Maybe you show the construction points before you stand on the ship with some parts/sails in your hands? Ship building in the shipyard should show the construction and sail points. Sails should show the required space too. So far ramming sloop is useless and the Kraken well... it has a nice Kraken cosmetic. I wonder how you can customize with prebuild sections? Make the lower hull one part? Only make the gun port places adjustable? Would reduce the structure amount. Gold, farmhouse, warehouse, resources. Why not allow 1 per company per island and have one farmhouse covering the hole island collecting all resourses there. We don't need all that prefab buildings. We need simple access also for solos to the trade system = more warehouse per island in total. Give the farmhouse an interface to set production priorities or even stopp collecting specific resources. Let it only connect to the warehouse of the same tribe. Gold sink in Season 3 was insane... my tribe was 2/3 of 7 days a week busy to collect gold to keep the islands and the NPCs(PvP). You spend a hole weekend day whale hunting with a Brig as a shooner could not carry the weight of 20k gold. Now on PvP megas raid with 5 Dragons while small companys barely get a shooner. I just tested the new weight of resources and it feels weird... carry the same amount of gem and crystal like fibre? *Warehouse loot drop should be fixed to drop all because Mega Tribes need to loot Lawless Warehouses of course* (ironie of) Loot improvements are necessary and a long term bug that should be fixed soon. May consider to reduce the power a little while making it less costing to get them? Well at least we now know that we will play an unblanced game in alpha testing status the next year. Everything can and will change. We will have bugs and exploits a lot... release maybe 2023? At least they have working a very small team on it. Besides holiday cosmetics which most don't care about just work on the game please. Improve and fix. Let us know something about you, the devs. Don't be quiet all the time and let us fish in the dark. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Grayson 19 Posted March 1, 2021 You want a real way to fix the spam? Simple: all non connected structures have a 24 hour decay and then actually DECAY and/or can be demoed by players regardless of what’s stacked on them. None of these non connected items can be refreshed. Make a limit where anything under, for example, 6 foundations with no walls and roof the minimum. All buildings have to be like boats or it decays. You have to physically touch each one to reset the time. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JamesSimon 0 Posted March 1, 2021 Can you guys please have it as a full game instead of preview like your ark and can you guys extend the trial version of the atlas game please Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Twitchy1992 6 Posted March 1, 2021 @JamesSimon if I’m understanding your post correctly you want them to go ahead and make it a full fledged title? It is in early acces atm because it is t ready for a full release. As the game stands now it’s basically alpha/beta stage, with new content, balances, and bug fixes being added and hammered out. It wouldn’t do anyone any good if the went ahead and launched it. Ark did the same thing it was in early access until it was ready to launch and was made a full game when the development team was “finished” with it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JamesSimon 0 Posted March 1, 2021 Can you guys please have it as a full game instead of preview like your ark and can you guys extend the trial version of the atlas game please they should add where we can put flags on the ships Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Twitchy1992 6 Posted March 1, 2021 @JamesSimon you do realize what game preview is right. The game isn’t finished, it will leave preview once development is finished. There would be no point in releasing it as a full title until then. Ark did the same thing, it was in game preview until it’s main development cycle was done and then released as a full fledged title. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JamesSimon 0 Posted March 2, 2021 they should add where we can put flags on the ships Just now, JamesSimon said: they should add where we can put flags on the ships Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Twitchy1992 6 Posted March 2, 2021 While I can agree to that. East workaround is to paint your sails with the design of the flag you want. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Daelynth 3 Posted March 2, 2021 Should be able to popcorn resources out of a resource box. It's an absolute pain when moving resources at the moment. Add Talk like a Pirate Day to in-game holidays Add tag feature to chat and timestamps. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fionaline 5 Posted March 3, 2021 (edited) On 2/27/2021 at 4:13 PM, George Catcher said: You can try a farm for that : )) Like this guy did: i already got 10 pigs its the crafting and gathering the poop that annoys me and takes way to much time lol and its imo are a very mundane task lol also tried the "poop towers" i dont like them as its slower coz you cant ask the pigs up high to poop extra Edited March 3, 2021 by Fionaline Share this post Link to post Share on other sites