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I may be mistaken but i believe the problem the devs are struggling w is due vpn routed accounts.


The account itself may be bannable but discovering the actual culprit is much trickier.


I am not advocating for or against mass bannings. Furthermore i sincerely doubt that they're the only mmo struggling with it.


Only solution i can think of is disallowing vpn routed players, if thats even possible. Also, once again, I'm not advocating for or against. Based on my limited knowledge even disallowing vpns has workarounds for a determined cheater.


Doubt it does much to alleviate any frustrations but most possible solutions that come to mind lead to quagmires. If somebody w some actual technical expertise cares to weigh in I'd be curious for feedback just to know if i understand the predicament correctly.


Sidenote, i believe i have a game model that reduces the impact, however I'm keeping that to myself, sorry


Best wishes

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The primary issue is not the cheating, it's that the dev's don't know how the game was exploited.  So they can't trust anyone that benefited.  That's why they basically asked all of you HOW YOU DID IT to get you reinstated.  Because they don't know.  


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Primary issue is something a 3 year old can understand. Ranger1K is the exception maybe.

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Watching and playing aren't the same thing,  a dev could infiltrate a company to find out information. Obviously though that would take time. I know in some online games  devs do actually just play undercover. It's a better way to get to know your own game.

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3 hours ago, PeglegTheAngry said:

The devs were watching BH  for 24+ hours before they were banned.

They know what was exploited, they want BH to explain how.

Ty for the clarification Peg

2 hours ago, eeeceee said:

Primary issue is something a 3 year old can understand. Ranger1K is the exception maybe.

Classy as usual EEECEEE

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If you don't allow using VPN i can't play atlas on official servers anymore because that is the only workaround i have to connect. When i don't use VPN i get stuck in the PrimalGameData_BP loading. That shouldn't be the solution. Private Servers don't have this issue.

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The point was anonimity equals problems from a policing perspective.


Also i have no doubt somebody with more technical expertise could clarify or correct the theories i mentioned.


Ty for letting me know that a vpn is required on occasion.

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No, the point should be that the devs announced "you guys are banned, if you individually come forward and provide evidence that you didn't cheat we may help you" unless I missed something? cbf to read the op again


Edited by eeeceee

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A. To clarify, MY point was that policing an MMO COULD be full of quagmires from a logistical perspective.

MY advice is to to minmize the need.

B. I only read the forums so i am unaware of any info on other social media so i probably don't have the full picture. I'm old school and thats just the way it is. Besides this situation I've read other complaints regarding bans, rollbacks, nerfs, balancing issues, customer support and development criticism.

A while ago i quoted another forum member who stated "how many times can you rearrange the furniture before you realize you need a new house?" I am still of the opinion that the game needs a complete overhaul.

C. Regarding OP, i interpreted the thread as a request from OP for the devs to communicate to the banned players. The devs have openly admitted they're working with a small team. I AM NOT siding w OP or the devs. Having individual conversations w 100+ players is alot to ask imo. If OP was just playing straight, having fun, completely unaware of something nefarious afoot then bummer. Totally sucks. Lord knows i completely raged the fugg out when NA PVE was wiped. My sympathy goes out. If OP did something wrong then it should be handled accordingly and professionally.

Best wishes

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That is a good quote.

I don't follow social media on atlas, i just visit the reddit and i play(ed) the game.

I hope the devs are able to monitor/have the ability to control their own game, and if they cannot it would be nice if they don't make statements that appear to show that they can't. That's all I was trying to say I think.

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