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DEVS you missed the mark... Warehouse/farmhouse Fail

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I am an PVE player, and since you new devs have come on board its clear your intentions completely ignore PVE and the balance of PVE. 

You said you want to focus on getting players on to Sea, and the goal of farm houses and warehouses was to help that by reducing the time players needed to spend gathering resources. 

Well in PVE the way these have been implemented is a disaster as the landscape is now Farmhouses as far as the eye can see, and without the ability to destroy other players buildings this has not only increased lag, but also allowed the control of islands to those players who do nothing but play this game 14 hours a day. 

now with the introduction of warehouses its even worse. most islands in this game can only support 1 warehouse do to island size. this is ridiculous. 

if you want to help balance this game better in regards to Farmhouse/warehouse PLEASE consider a restriction based on tribes not distance. 

if i was building this game this is how i would have designed this automated system. 

Farm House

---Tribes are restricted to a total of 6 farm houses across entire map. 

-------- only 1 farm house per island per tribe. 

-------- farm houses gathers all resource produced on that island.

-------- farm house resource stack to 10,000 units of all resource no weight restriction. (once all are at max farm house stops)

------- there should be an equip slot for fuel instead of it pulling from inventory. 


-- Tribes are restricted to 1 warehouse period. 

------- warehouse must be manually activated to collect resources from farm house

------- collection can only take place once every 72 hours (pulls from all farm houses) 

------- no stack or weight restriction on warehouse. 


this may not be perfect. and i know everyone has different thoughts. but i personally feel this would balance this system. and help reduce lag throughout the game. 

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Agree and disagree, but I think we are both thinking the the right direction...


Limit 1 per island per company

Uses crew (min 2), at 2 crew its a .5 efficientcy

Max of 8 crew (.25% per) maxing at 200%.

Gathers all resources possible on the island.

10k stack, 1 stack of each material, no weight cap.



Can be placed anywhere, 1 per island per company.

Uses crew (2min), .5 eff. Up to 8 max 200%

-this would mean a maxed warehouse could keep a farmhouse empty provided ot hasnt hit item cap....

Items capped at 50k material per type, no weight cap.


This would mean that a filled warehouse and farmhouse would have a total of 60k of items, but to hit this cap should take 24-48hours...

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