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Warehouse Ideas

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I think it would be great if the warehouse was one warehouse per company per island and automatically connect to all the farmhouses on the island. The farmhouses would not send resources unless they are full and then they send all but like 10 wood, so that the farmhouse would continue to operate after all the resources are sent to the warehouse.

This would fit in with the story that the "NPC's are collecting the resources when its full", it would allow it to continue to run after collection, but most importantly it would leave it open for players to grief these farmhouse nodes and use the resources as they do now. This would also turn farmhouses into land claims for people to fight over who has farmhouses down.

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Or they could just actually use the NPCs to tell that story so that you see them out there harvesting and carrying all the mats back to the windmill and the base.  If they want to make it an RTS then this is how you do it - you have your NPCs running all over the map for you.

But not these NPCs that are paper dolls that cannot survive a chicken fight.  And even in single player just to visit the cannon deck is lag city even though they do nothing but stand there.   So it is obvious why you have to use your imagination when playing this new RTS game.


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Yeah the problem is also the AI pathing and warehouses on cliffs on top of the aforementioned NPC weaknesses.

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