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Food Decay's to fast! Please slow it down.

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I find with 10 animals and another few on other Islands for farming goods. I need to keep going to the island way more then i should. The food needs to last longer or somthing. Can you make the silo so it feeds the animals too? I am spending to much time TPing from island to island pve keeping them all feed to often.  The food ladders and food thrift just needs more holding time or a better way to keep the food from Spoiling so fast.  they dont hold enough. i find myself each day having to log in to Cycle Berries.  To much time!

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Cooked food like pies and stuff last for 2 weeks in a preserving bag per item - A full stack 30 will last just over a year before it spoils completely. 

Even if your issue is keeping animals fed, fresh vegetables like potatoes, placed in a feed trough last a week or more per stack and are trivial to farm in bulk. Meat is the only nuisance case, for keeping carnivores fed, even then, you can cook or salt the meat to make it last much longer if you know you'll have to be away for long periods.

Living hand-to-mouth, with wild vegetables and berries from the bushes is, like in real life, not ideal for sustaining a society on your island 😛 - Think less like a scurvy pirate and more like a colonial governor if you want to maintain a colony.

Edited by RyuujinZERO

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