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Athena's Suggestions & Critique

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Ahoy, and welcome.

Here's some ideas and opinions that I have. And whether it matters or not, I've been playing the game since it launched, I play on a PVE official server, and I prefer to play as a solo player.


Talent Improvement

What I enjoy about Atlas is the aspect of exploration. Sailing the world, and finding cool points of interest on any given island. The discovery point system is fun for me because it almost caters to my desire to collect things. I can pull up a grid in the discoveries tab, and see whether I have cleared it or not. Fun!

The issue I run into with this is that there isn't any real indicator of where a discovery will be. There's a lot of unknowns that really bug me about it. While some points of interest will have props set up, like a "npc" town, or a damaged ship for decoration; Some of them I just find randomly, and I really don't like that. What it tends to do, is make me paranoid that if I don't essentially comb an island by running up and down it, to make sure that I've literally been on every square inch, I'm going to somehow miss a POI.

Suggestion: A talent that allows the player to see that the area is a POI. Similarly to the marker that shows you where the treasure is buried as you get closer to it's location. Maybe some sparkles in the area? Some kind of indication that the area is a discovery. It doesn't discourage me to roam free and explore, because you have to be close enough to see it; But it would dispel the worry feeling.
I'm not sure where you put such a talent. Maybe beast mastery? Maybe it's flavored as the ability to track or something.

A big point sink is beast mastery. Which is fine if you like to tame animals. But for me, I buy my tames. And the only real reason I have points so deep into beast mastery is solely to ride them; And I don't think that's fair. As it stands, if you want to ride an elephant or tiger, or lion- You have to have taming and breed 2. So while I don't utilize taming 2 or breeding 2, I still have to have them in order to use an elephant to gather.

Suggestion: Make riding it's own line progression. If you want to ride elephants, you have to know how to ride horses.

This makes it less of an investment for people who don't necessarily want to spend their time taming, but still can have animals that they use. If you enjoy taming, great. It's a worth while investment for you to take taming 1, 2, and 3. But for me, I'd rather spend my time exploring than taming. I will pay gold to a company to tame and breed things for me.
And also, while we're on riding. No one is riding sheep or boars, except only to re position them in a pen.

Suggestion: We can get rid of Riding tier 1. Have Riding, and Advanced Riding. 
Riding Talent: Ability to ride sheep, boar, horses, bulls, wolves, ostrich, bears.
Advanced Riding: Ability to ride lions, tigers, elephants, giraffes, rhinos, and mythical creatures.

And if you really wanted 3 tiers of riding, you could actually put mythical creatures in it's own tier.


In the same vein, I don't mind investing in a tree in order to craft something of higher quality. It's something I enjoy doing, crafting blueprints and trying to sell them. But I don't think people should necessarily have to invest so heavily in a tree in order to wear something of quality. While I'm sure there's an argument that you have to understand armor, in order to be able to wear it properly; I just don't think it matters in a game. If a company member takes talents to craft high quality things, people should just be able to wear higher quality gear without having to spec into it.

Suggestion: Allow players to use higher quality goods without having to take the talent in order to wear and make them that quality.

I feel this would improve some things from an economy standpoint. For a new player who maybe has a little gold to come across a shop, and see a set of green quality tools for sale. Even if he has the gold to buy them, he wouldn't be able to use them unless he took the necessary talents. So a no-brainer purchase for that player suddenly becomes a commitment to investing talents in order to use them. Even if he's got not invested interest in crafting. So you're only really utilizing half the talent.

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5 hours ago, Mduna said:

Suggestion: A talent that allows the player to see that the area is a POI. Similarly to the marker that shows you where the treasure is buried as you get closer to it's location. Maybe some sparkles in the area? Some kind of indication that the area is a discovery. It doesn't discourage me to roam free and explore, because you have to be close enough to see it; But it would dispel the worry feeling.
I'm not sure where you put such a talent. Maybe beast mastery? Maybe it's flavored as the ability to track or something.

There is a way to find discoveries. Use the telescope. look around and if you see a shiny blue bubble, there's an undiscovered discovery. It will be an island or POI.

I think the whole skill tree needs some re-work. The order of many doesn't make sense to me.


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Though I still would like something a little less vague. I suggested a talent because it's something I would invest points into, and know that it's not going to be wasted.

There is a talent tree in the game currently, but I'm not exactly sure how helpful it really is. Map maker. Map Maker could maybe converted to this, or maybe it could just be added for additional benefit.

But again, appreciate the knowledge.

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