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Xbox keyboard help?

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 I bought a gaming keyboard the other day one of the half boards with custom mapping 'G' keys and a gaming mouse wasnt a cheap set, and while im new to using it i have most of it figured but i hate how in atlas you cant double assign the keys so my left mouse is for harvesting using tools an when im on the bear it does nothing but i cant assign it to be the attack because it will un map it from my harvesting.

Im having trouble with one using a spyglass its my 4th item so it pulls it out like a tool but it wont allow me to use it only swings i have no idea what key binding that it would be under ive tired the secondary attacks an all. 

Second problem im having is right mouse is how i open the option wheel for anything tames npcs but i cant click on any of theses options, example if i open my tame to tell him to be passive i scroll over to 'behavior' and unclick an it just take me out of the wheel. i can only prefom the first task like move to ship. Its annoying and after playing ark for years switching to keys is hard so after about 2 hours of learning it i went to go back to controller to get into a sea fight since im not the best yet with the keyboard and i couldnt move forward i had to crab walk so i ended up loggin off for the night. 

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