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Ship parts disappearing

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Anyone else had ship parts missing when they log in? I had my sloop ladder disappear and a figurehead too.

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Yep, happened to me, took my brig to gather mats from other grids, left my sloop and schooner anchored on an Island I took over. Returned to drop off some stuff and noticed the schooner was sinking. Rushed over and it was missing some planks, was able to replace them in time and drained the water. Before leaving on my next trip, I placed a crew member on the boat, as well as one on the sloop, even though the sloop did not show any signs of wear. Left again. This time when I got back, I saw the schooner sink inside the shipyard that I had anchored it in. The crew member was swimming. So got the crewmember onto the brig and went to demolish the schooner to clear the shipyard area. I noticed it was missing 3 planks and 7 of the 10 cannons. I've also noticed that I am losing materials that I have farmed as well, and crew members start losing armor pieces. The sloop, which was anchored in another nearby ship yard did not show any signs of wear, but the crew member I left on her lost all his armor and was sweeping in his skivvies,

No point in wasting time collecting stuff anymore if the game can't save what you collected. Every time I log in I check to see what is missing, cause I keep notes on what I've collected and what I still need to get, and am constantly finding things missing, 13k stacks of wood took quite awhile to collect, and you have to go far afield to get certain materials. I'm done doing that now, will just cheat in what I need. Dismantle all but one ship that I am using because the extras will just melt away before you get back and just sail around in a brig or galleon, mythical of course....or at least with what mythical blueprints I have collected so far.

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