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quality of life proposed breeding change

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currently most imprinting windows are every 8 hours alot of pople work so they always miss at least 1 of their imprints, what i suggest is increase the total time for breeding and increase the windows to 12 hours between each imprint, so for bears instead of being once every 8 hours for 40 hours do it once every 12 hours over a 48 hour time, for teir 3's its even worse as its once every 8 hours for 70 hours so do it once every 12 hours for 72 hours, this will make it easier for people to get 100 % imprints, also 6 hours for the actualy birth is pretty bad either reduce it to 1 hour like bears or increase it to 12 hours making life so much easier to time things, people do have lives outside of games and with the current timings for breeding people are having to work their lives around the game 

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personaly i can make either times work around my life, but there are already some in my company who work 8-9 hours shifts who just cant, one other change would be to double the maturing cycle allowing people to miss imprints and still reach 100% but this probably wouldnt go down so well with players 

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