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About This Company

Are you playing Atlas on EU PVP? you are! YAY! Then why not join up with us and become part of our company in game, we will help you get your inner pirate going in style, we love to get into fight or two ,as well as going on the look for new places and lands in game. We also have a strong alliance with other larger companies in game. If that sounds good to you and you wish to get on board come walk the plank on over to our Discord http://adhdg.com/discord

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  1. What's new in this company
  2. Are you playing Atlas on EU PVP? you are! YAY! Then why not join up with us and become part of our company in game, we will help you get your inner pirate going in style, we love to get into fight or two ,as well as going on the look for new places and lands in game. We also have a strong alliance with other larger companies in game. If that sounds good to you and you wish to get on board come walk the plank on over to our Discord http://adhdg.com/discord Our website http://ADHDG.com Here is our Guilded page https://www.guilded.gg/ADHD-Gaming/games/Atlas/overview http://adhdg.com/discord
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